Bulletin for March 2, 2025


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship Service 6PM Evening Worship| Wednesday - 7PM Bible Study and prayer

by: Ivan Davidson




528 North Main Street

Englewood, OH 45322 

Church 937-836-0862 


Services on Facebook Live,

Union Baptist Church, Englewood Ohio 

Adult Sunday School: 9:30am

Sunday Morning: 10:30am

Sunday Evening: 6:00pm

Wednesday Evening 7:00pm

March 2, 2025


Announcements……………..….............………..Brother Ron Thomas

Musical Prelude…………..……….............…...Sister Ashley Davidson

Call to Worship……Romans 11:33–36 …  Brother Ivan Davidson

Hymn:  Amazing Grace ……………........................................Page 236


Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy …………………....................……………..Page 70

*Scripture Reading (Psalm 33:10-16)..….Brother Ivan Davidson

Special Music: Cookie Dale

Offertory………………………...................………...Sister Ashley Davidson

*Hymn: How Great Thou Art ……..................……..…….….…...Page 37

Sermon:……………………….....................…….…...Pastor Nelson Wright

*Hymn: Jesus Saves …………...................………………………...Page 231

Closing Prayer

*Indicates to please stand 

Pianist: Sister Ashley Davidson, Song Leader: Dave Riley 

Children’s Church with Sister Sally Riley and Sister Cookie Dale

Evening Worship Service   

*Hymn: Standing On The Promises …………..….Page 175

Opening Prayer and Announcements

Special Music: Sister Becky Huffman

Hymn: Solid Rock .………………………………..Page 272

Special Music: Brother Jim Baer

Special Music: Cookie Dale

Sermon………………………………. Pastor Nelson Wright

*Hymn: I Surrender All ………………………….. Page 394

Closing prayer

Pianist: Sister Janice Work


TODAY - noon - Carry in fellowship dinner

Wednesday - 7:00pm bible study, prayer meeting

Thursday - 12 noon - Ladies Bible Study

Next Sunday - 2:00am - Spring forward - change your clocks

Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning Service…………………….............……….…………March 3-March 8

Tim and Brenda Bell………….………………..........….….March 10-March 15

Cleaning Service (Dave and Sally Riley)………..….March 17-March 22

Ivan and Donna Davidson…………………..........…….March 24-March 29

Reader Schedule

 March Bro. Ivan Davidson, April Bro. Phil Clark, May Bro. Dave Riley


So many of life’s little blessings today

Will come unnoticed and slip away,

While we continue to grumble and fuss,

Ignoring the God who gave them to us.

How much happier our lives would be,

If instead of complaining, we’d stop to see

The numerous blessings He gives us each day,

Which lighten our burdens and brighten our way.


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528 North Main Street

Englewood, OH 45322 

Church 937-836-0862 


Services on Facebook Live,

Union Baptist Church, Englewood Ohio 

Adult Sunday School: 9:30am

Sunday Morning: 10:30am

Sunday Evening: 6:00pm

Wednesday Evening 7:00pm

March 2, 2025


Announcements……………..….............………..Brother Ron Thomas

Musical Prelude…………..……….............…...Sister Ashley Davidson

Call to Worship……Romans 11:33–36 …  Brother Ivan Davidson

Hymn:  Amazing Grace ……………........................................Page 236


Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy …………………....................……………..Page 70

*Scripture Reading (Psalm 33:10-16)..….Brother Ivan Davidson

Special Music: Cookie Dale

Offertory………………………...................………...Sister Ashley Davidson

*Hymn: How Great Thou Art ……..................……..…….….…...Page 37

Sermon:……………………….....................…….…...Pastor Nelson Wright

*Hymn: Jesus Saves …………...................………………………...Page 231

Closing Prayer

*Indicates to please stand 

Pianist: Sister Ashley Davidson, Song Leader: Dave Riley 

Children’s Church with Sister Sally Riley and Sister Cookie Dale

Evening Worship Service   

*Hymn: Standing On The Promises …………..….Page 175

Opening Prayer and Announcements

Special Music: Sister Becky Huffman

Hymn: Solid Rock .………………………………..Page 272

Special Music: Brother Jim Baer

Special Music: Cookie Dale

Sermon………………………………. Pastor Nelson Wright

*Hymn: I Surrender All ………………………….. Page 394

Closing prayer

Pianist: Sister Janice Work


TODAY - noon - Carry in fellowship dinner

Wednesday - 7:00pm bible study, prayer meeting

Thursday - 12 noon - Ladies Bible Study

Next Sunday - 2:00am - Spring forward - change your clocks

Cleaning Schedule

Cleaning Service…………………….............……….…………March 3-March 8

Tim and Brenda Bell………….………………..........….….March 10-March 15

Cleaning Service (Dave and Sally Riley)………..….March 17-March 22

Ivan and Donna Davidson…………………..........…….March 24-March 29

Reader Schedule

 March Bro. Ivan Davidson, April Bro. Phil Clark, May Bro. Dave Riley


So many of life’s little blessings today

Will come unnoticed and slip away,

While we continue to grumble and fuss,

Ignoring the God who gave them to us.

How much happier our lives would be,

If instead of complaining, we’d stop to see

The numerous blessings He gives us each day,

Which lighten our burdens and brighten our way.


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