528 North Main Street
Englewood, OH 45322
Church 937-836-0862
Services on Facebook Live,
Union Baptist Church, Englewood Ohio
Adult Sunday School: 9:30am
Sunday Morning: 10:30am
Sunday Evening: 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening 7:00pm
March 9, 2025
Announcements……………..…...…….........…..Brother Ron Thomas
Musical Prelude…………..…….........…..…...Sister Ashley Davidson
Call to Worship……Romans 3: 23-26 .…Brother Ivan Davidson
Hymn: Grace Greater Than Our Sin….….......……………..Page 209
Hymn: Wonderful Grace Of Jesus …………….........…….Page 206
*Scripture Reading (Ephesians 2:1-10)…Brother Ivan Davidson
Special Music: Cookie Dale
Offertory……………………...................…………...Sister Ashley Davidson
*Hymn: At Calvary ….....…………......................….….……………Page 477
Sermon:……………………………..................….…...Pastor Nelson Wright
*Hymn: Jesus Saves ……………....................……………………...Page 231
Closing Prayer
*Indicates to please stand
Pianist: Sister Ashley Davidson, Song Leader: Tim Bell
Children’s Church with Sister Sally Riley and Sister Cookie Dale
Evening Worship Service
*Hymn: Standing On The Promises …………..….Page 175
Opening Prayer and Announcements
Special Music: Sister Becky Huffman
Hymn: I Love To Tell The Story ………………….Page 431
Special Music: Brother Jim Baer
Special Music: Cookie Dale
Sermon………………………………. Pastor Nelson Wright
*Hymn: Jesus Paid It All ……………………….. Page 125
Closing prayer
Pianist: Sister Janice Work
Monday - 6:30pm - Deacon’s Meeting
Wednesday - 7:00pm - bible study, prayer meeting
Cleaning Schedule
Tim and Brenda Bell………….………………….…March 10-March 15
Cleaning Service (Dave and Sally Riley)………..…March 17-March 22
Ron and Glenda Thomas…………………………...March 24-March 29
Ivan and Donna Davidson…………………………….March 31-April 5
Reader Schedule
March Bro. Ivan Davidson, April Bro. Phil Clark, May Bro. Dave Riley
Acts 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
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